Intense Pulsated Light, or IPL, treatment is often referred to as IPL laser hair removal, but it is actually not a laser treatment. Lasers use a single wavelength to pour light beneath the hair follicle. The light then creates heat and heat destroys the hair follicle. Once the follicle is destroyed, it will stop producing additional hair. This has become the most popular form of hair removal because it involves very little physical pain and can deliver long-term, if not permanent, relief from growing hair.
IPL treatments work very similar to laser treatments, but the technology is a bit different. Rather than using a single wavelength, the handheld devices used for IPL use a wide range of wavelengths. These wavelengths still create heat inside the follicle as a method of destroying its ability to continue growing new hair.
The difference between standard laser hair removal and IPL treatment is that IPL can treat a larger area of skin at one time. The IPL light is more intense as well. This means the procedures can be faster to perform, since larger areas are treated with more intense wavelengths of light.
Many users also claim the treatment is not quite as painful as standard laser treatment, but this may depend more on the type of numbing creams that are used by individual providers. No form of laser hair removal is completely pain-free, but most people can tolerate the pain without strong anesthetics. Creams and lotions applied directly to the skin are typically enough to numb the skin for this type of procedure. This goes for IPL as well as standard laser hair removal.
IPL is different than standard laser removal in regards to how it was originally developed. While laser treatment was originally introduced as a form of hair removal, IPL was developed first as a form of skin treatment. It was used to treat a variety of skin pigmentation problems and patients noticed that hair removal was a convenient side effect. With time, the procedure was approved as a form of hair removal treatment just like regular laser treatments.
Those are the major differences between treatments and standard laser removal treatments. Since both treatments work with the same basic technology and stop the growth of hair through the same basic method, IPL is considered to be a laser treatment. While this is not technically correct, the procedures are close enough that most people are satisfied lumping IPL in with other forms of laser treatment.
It must be noted that hair removal is not very effective for people with very light-colored hair. The technology is designed to pick up on the pigmentation in the skin and hair. This means that it doesn?t work as well when there is significantly less pigment to be picked up. Those with blonde hair on their legs, arms or in the armpits may not get the results that they are hoping for. This should be advised by a professional trained to deliver IPL treatments.
Whether you consider IPL a laser treatment or think of it as a more advanced technology, there are some clear advantages to using it over standard laser hair removal treatments. The only way to know which is best for your body is to consult with a professional trained to provide both treatments. They will have no advantage to referring you to one or the other and the decision will be made based on your body.
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